Daily Devotional

A Sound Mind

Thursday, November 23, 2023
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God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Tim. 1:7.

Fear is a normal human emotion. We can’t control it or avoid it. It just happens-especially when we are uncertain about the future. But fear was not in God’s plan, and He does not leave us helpless as we face it.

The stifling heat and humidity of a tropical night did not help in my battle with mindless panic. For two weeks a physician from the division office had escorted me around the Philippines. I had felt secure. Now his schedule compelled him to return to Singapore, leaving me to complete my first overseas itinerary alone. My last destination was a small town in the politically tense island of Mindanao. But in spite of our many efforts, we had been unable to discover if a seminar was actually planned. The local conference office had no phone or telex, the union health/temperance secretary was away, and no one else knew.

My thoughts whirled in circles. What would I do if no one met me? I had been warned that as a white woman traveling alone I should not go outside an airport terminal unless I recognized someone as being there to meet me. Was I being foolhardy to take the risk? What was the Lord’s will?

“What shall I do, Lord?” I asked. “I’m so afraid.” Then softly came His first gift-a sound mind to reason through the situation. I realized that if no one did meet me, I could always buy a return ticket back to Manila! Then came love-a guiding motivational force keeping me aligned with God’s will. I began to want to go on the trip. And finally there was power-the strength to make the decision. I would go. My anxiety had vanished. God’s power would uphold and protect me. With those gifts to help me, I fell asleep.

The next morning as I deplaned to view two smiling faces holding a huge banner proclaiming “Welcome to Mindanao, Dr. Mutch,” I knew that God had indeed given me His gifts to conquer fear: the spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

When you’re frightened, hold on to the promise that God will give you a sound mind, love, and power.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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