Daily Devotional

Thy Will Be Done

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
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He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. Matt. 26:42.

I’ve relived the accident hundreds of times-cresting the hill, the terror of seeing the van in my lane, the immediate impact, my exposed leg bone protruding through my sock as my foot dangled to the side, and no sound from the passenger seat. “Mom, talk to me,” I cried. Silence. I hopped around the car to get to my mother. Mom, doubled over and squashed between the seat and dash, was now groaning in pain, “I can’t breathe.” I had to straighten her or she would suffocate. Pulling her out of the car, I placed her on a pillow on the pavement, fell down beside her, cuddled her in my arms, willed her to breathe, and prayed for help.

The following days were a blur. The miracle was that the surgeons could reattach my foot and I would walk again. But within a week my mom’s chances of surviving narrowed to 10 percent, then 5 percent as infection set in and her kidneys and liver began to fail.

I called the pastor to have Mom anointed. “You know, Kay,” he said, “an anointing is as much for the family to say ‘Thy will be done,’ as it is for your mom’s healing.”

I hung up, sobbing bitter tears. “No,” I screamed. “Mom has to live.” I couldn’t say the words “Thy will be done.” Mom couldn’t die like this-an innocent victim of a senseless accident in which I had been the driver. I wept. For two hours I pleaded with the Lord for her life. Then, emotionally spent, I gave up my fight and between sobs of resignation finally uttered, “Thy will be done.” At last peace came.

Later as I told the pastor about my struggle, he said, “Do you think it was easy for Jesus to say “Thy will be done” in the Garden of Gethsemane when He knew in a few short hours He was facing his own painful death?”

Suddenly I realized that through this experience I had been to Gethsemane with Jesus and found God there, and now with peace in my heart I could say “Thy will be done.”

Twenty-two days after the accident Mom died.

What is your prayer? Can you say “Thy will be done,” or are you still saying “My will be done”?

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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