Daily Devotional

In the Fullness of Time

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
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Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Ps. 111:2, NIV.

I've delivered thousands of babies, but I'm still amazed how God designed the wonderful process called birth.

When the fullness of time arrives, the baby is ready to leave its warm and comfortable home within its mother's body. The distance the baby must travel through the mother's birth canal is short, yet potentially dangerous. The relatively large head of the baby must pass through bony openings in the canal that are often narrower than would seem to be comfortable. The bony space is larger from side to side at the upper part of the birth canal, but larger from front to back in the lower part. Since the Creator formed both the baby and its mother, He designed them to meet together in an almost perfect fit! Through a careful series of slow-motion twists and turns of the baby's head, birth will usually take place smoothly.

God planned that as the baby starts down the birth canal, its head first tucks forward so its chin rests against its chest. This allows the narrowest part of the baby's head to lead the way. And to help the process, the back part of the baby's skull is still soft enough to mold to the shape of the opening. As the labor contractions gently but firmly push the baby along, its head then turns sideways so it can slip through the upper birth canal. Then as the baby dips down farther, its head rotates 90 degrees to allow it to pass through the middle part of the canal. Finally, as the baby emerges from the mother's birth canal, its head tips backward, making delivery easier.

These carefully orchestrated moves and twists occur without any effort on either the part of the mother or the baby. They take place naturally because of the shape of the baby's head as it meets the bones of the mother's pelvis.

What an example of an infinite architect and engineer who designed this marvelous performance. In the face of evidence such as this, it is hard not to believe in a loving Creator-God.

I praise You, my God, for Your wonderful creative power.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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