Daily Devotional


Sunday, December 31, 2023
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Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. Matt. 26:41, NIV.

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is in the area of health-either to lose weight, change our diet, or exercise more. Psychologically the new year seems an appropriate time to make a new start, and so we all vow to be better in some way.

Health clubs around the country swell with new memberships every January. You can hardly find a free StairMaster or cycling machine. Aerobics classes are jam-packed. Sporting good stores love the month of January. They sell sweat suits, running shoes, and exercise equipment by the truckload to all the New Year’s health converts. January clients besiege weight-loss clinics everywhere. And bookstores brace for a run on health, diet, and fitness books after the new year.

For the first few weeks of the new year we make good on our promise to turn our lives around, for “the spirit” is indeed willing and seems to fuel our determination. But soon reality sets in and “the flesh” begins to rebel. We find that breaking old lifestyle habits is not as easy as a New Year’s promise and a brand-new running suit. We begin to invent excuses to neglect our resolution: “It’s too cold outside.” “It’s too late today.” “I’m too tired.” “My toe hurts.” “I’ll do it tomorrow.” “This isn’t fun anymore.” And so on. By February we have pretty much returned to our old routines. The health clubs are once again ghost towns, and those brand-new running shoes get lost in the closet.

Jesus summed up the human condition with His memorable quote for today, and He should know, for He shared our frailties while here on earth. But He also showed us that our true source of strength lies not in our own feeble willpower, but in joining forces with divinity.

So, if you have faltered on New Year’s resolutions in the past, remember: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13, NKJV) and lace up those walking shoes for a healthy new year.

Make three resolutions for a healthy new year and pray this prayer: “Lord, give me Your strength to keep the resolutions I have made, for my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. Amen.”

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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