Daily Devotional

Diamonds at Christmas

Friday, December 22, 2023
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But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Luke 14:13, 14, NIV.

Emotionally the holidays can be either a joyous occasion or a sad, lonely, and difficult time.

I was looking forward to Christmas Day, because I was going to be spending it with my “big sis” and her family. Then Darilee called and said some friends had invited her family to spend the day with them. She had told them about me, and they had invited me to come along.

I didn’t know these people, so I wasn’t sure how welcome I’d feel. Some people aren’t comfortable with my wheelchair. Others give me tons of unwanted sympathy. I just wanted to be with my family so I could be myself-no airs, no prim and proper behavior, and no dressing up. But since I didn’t want to be alone, I decided I’d go.

Instantly I felt at home. I received no sympathy, and even though there were a number of steps into their home, no big deal was made about the need to carry me up and down them.

They had a delicious meal without too many spoons, knives, and forks to make me feel uncomfortable. And later in the afternoon we all went down to the beach. Since there were so many stairs, they could have easily left me home, but they insisted that I was no trouble, and carried me and my chair right down to the sand.

Sitting on the beach may not be your idea of an ideal white Christmas, but it was one of the brightest days in my life! The sky was a brilliant blue and the sun shone on the water, making it sparkle like diamonds from the windows of Cartier’s or Tiffany’s, but no window separated me from God’s treasures. I was right there! It was awesome, as if God was smiling on a beach full of diamonds. The entire day was wonderful-a gift of peace and tranquillity with people who loved the Lord, a little heaven on earth.

God has His diamonds in this world who open their hearts and homes to people like me, to bring an extra sparkle to an otherwise lonely life. You too can be a diamond.

As you plan for this Christmas, what can you do to bring an extra sparkle into lives that might otherwise be sad and lonely?

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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