Daily Devotional

Sugar in the Morning . . .

Wednesday, December 20, 2023
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Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isa. 5:20, NIV.

Remember that jingle about sugar in the morning, evening, and suppertime? Well, most of us, including children, take the jingle literally and stuff ourselves with sugar-120 to 150 pounds a year. Of course, we wouldn’t think of going to the sugar bowl and eating a spoonful. And most of us have no idea we’re even consuming sugar, because it’s deceptively hidden away in our favorite foods. Take an apple for example. If you would eat a ripe apple as God intended it to be eaten, it would have natural sugars in it, but no refined sugar, and would contain only about 70 calories. When you concentrate the apple into apple juice, the calories increase to 120. But put that apple into a slice of apple pie, and the number of calories zooms to 350, because that pie is filled with sugar.

Did you know that manufacturers use more than two thirds of refined sugar by adding it to food products? They even put sugar in salt! And every tablespoon of regular catsup contains a teaspoon of refined sugar!

Here are a few of other popular food items laced with sugar: peanut butter, pickles, canned fruits and vegetables, mayonnaise, breads, many juices, soups, cereals, cured meats, hot dogs, lunch meats, salad dressings, spaghetti sauce, crackers, tomato juice, and pasta products.

Most people eat a third of a pound of sugar a day-600 calories of health-destroying sweetness. The results show in epidemic tooth decay, overweight, and diabetes, as well as other diseases that scientists are beginning to link to high sugar consumption.

These facts probably shock you, because you don’t see the sugar you’re eating. Like Satan, it’s deceptive. A typical satanic strategy is to gain control of innocent people by making deadly things look good, taste good, or feel good. Gambling begins with a lottery ticket. Lung cancer starts with a glamorized Virginia Slim or Marlboro. And obesity commences with the hidden sugars in your favorite foods.

Begin reading labels and discover the hidden sugar. Don’t let Satan deceive you.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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