Daily Devotional

The Incredible Power of Music

Tuesday, November 7, 2023
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Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. Ps. 63:7, NIV.

Music was my salvation. Going through a difficult time with my parents and experiencing a lot of stress, I had feelings that I didn't feel free to express. Although I always liked music, it hadn't played an important part in my childhood. Then when I was 12 I went to a concert and heard a violin solo. It was a magical moment! From that time on I had a passion to play, although I didn't have a chance to do so until more than a year later, when the violinist who had made that magical moment happen for me became my teacher. She inspired me. And the violin gave me a purpose in life I didn't have before.

I found that through music I could now express feelings deep inside me that I couldn't bring out before. At the same time that I expressed those feelings, I felt a healing come over me, and I became happy-for the first time in my life! But not only was I happy, I was making others happy through my playing. My joy doubled! It was the beginning of my lifelong journey with my violin.

Music has an incredible emotional power. My husband, who is a pianist, and I were asked to play for the funeral of a friend's husband. The couple had been married many years, and the widow was deeply grieving. After the funeral she said to me, "I was dreading this funeral so much and didn't see how I was going to make it through the ordeal. But you played such beautiful and hopeful music that I was transported away from the circumstances to a better place."

Music has the power to express every human emotion. David played and sang all types of mood music and found healing in them. God even instructed the Israelites to go into battle with trumpeters and singing. And every time they did, they won!

Every day we face a battle with our emotions. Allow the power of music to soothe, energize, uplift, and inspire you, as it does for me.

Researchers have found that children who listen to Mozart get better grades. Why don?t you play a little Mozart on your stereo or CD player, and see what it might do for you?

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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