Daily Devotional

The Royal Water Cure

Friday, November 10, 2023
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Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13, 14, NIV.

A few years ago in Africa a tribal king became seriously constipated. He vainly explored the world for relief. Medical authorities prescribed a variety of cures, but his digestive tract had become so fragile nothing worked. A Christian servant suggested he visit an Adventist clinic, famous for its treatment of the country's poor. The king's desperation for relief finally overcame his pride, and he rolled up to the mission in his Rolls-Royce with his secretary and stacks of medical records.

The clinic staff knew of the monarch's unfriendliness to Christian missions. The physician nevertheless greeted him. As the doctor looked over his records, the king sighed and said he came as a last desperate resort.

"How much water do you drink?" the physician asked.

The king looked at him with furrowed brow, "What is this you ask?"

The king's secretary explained that "the king has other things to drink." The physician knew this all too well. Many African royalty drank blood.

"In the morning," continued the physician without hesitation, "please drink two to four glasses of lukewarm water at least a half hour before breakfast. Drink a half hour before meals or at least an hour after meals so as not to dilute your digestive juices. Boil your water thoroughly to be sure it is pure."

The monarch had expected an exotic cure. His mouth dropped. "Only water? Is that all?"

"One more thing-for the next several weeks eat only fresh fruit, whole grains, and vegetables moderately cooked with little or no oil. My wife will help your cook, if that's necessary."

The doctor walked His Majesty to his limousine, adding, "Please let me know how you feel."

Six weeks later the king again rolled up to the clinic, bounced out of his Rolls-Royce, and his servants followed, loaded with gifts.

"So simple! So wonderful!" he exclaimed. "I am cured."

Like the simplicity of the water cure for constipation, so is the Jesus cure for sin. Just let Jesus flood your system-getting as much of Him as possible before breakfast, and you'll be amazed at what this simple remedy can do for your life.

Have you had enough water-and Jesus-today to keep physically and spiritually healthy?

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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