Daily Devotional

Natural Pain Reduction

Sunday, October 29, 2023
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I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me? Jer. 32:27, NIV.

I can’t thank you enough. I’ll never stop singing the praises of this class!”

Phyllis, age 77, had been plagued by painful arthritis in her hands, knees, and back for years, and it was getting progressively worse. Then she attended a series of health classes featuring a total vegetarian diet and other natural remedies.

“This food tastes like the abomination of desolation!” she exclaimed. But Phyllis was ready for some drastic changes if it would reduce her pain. So she jumped in with both feet, cleaned out her kitchen cupboards, and no longer frequented the supermarket meat counters or ice-cream parlors.

“I have so much more energy,” she told me, “and my arthritis is much better. My children even tell me I sound more lively on the phone.”

“That’s wonderful, Phyllis, but you must start walking. You don’t get enough exercise.”

“Vivian, I can’t do that. My knees aren’t that much better.”

A few weeks later Phyllis informed me that she had gradually started walking and could now go up to a mile without difficulty.

However, Phyllis had forgotten to monitor her blood pressure. Because it had been so high she was on potent blood pressure medication, and she had continued taking it even though she had changed her lifestyle. She fainted on a visit with her son in the Northeast and was taken to the emergency room, where expensive tests were run on her. The diagnosis? Her blood pressure was too low! The program had been successful, all right. The physician took her off all blood pressure medication.

Now Phyllis is hopping around like a young woman and wouldn’t go back to the old lifestyle for anything. “And,” she said, “the food even tastes delicious!” She’s now tasting the true flavors of the food without salt and grease masking them.

During the years Phyllis was living with pain, the promise “Fear thou not; for I am with thee” (Isa. 41:10) kept coming to mind. Since she started living a healthy lifestyle, she feels she’s a living testimony to the truth of Jeremiah 32:27, that there is nothing too hard for the Lord.

Nothing is too hard for the Lord if we will cooperate with Him, and treat our bodies according to the instruction He has given.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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